Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Grief is not about sad words,
Or eyes filled with tears,
But about empty places
That will never be filled again.
It throws up words, like white wood
Left by the sea on lonely sand;
Bones, cast upon the pale clay of the soul;
Struck from me like sparks from stone,
Falling unheard into darkness.
A wondrous fire has gone out,
and, all understanding lost,
I gaze into the ashes, cheeks unwet,
Unseeing; soul waiting for the dam-burst.


Blogger Lyzard said...

Grief is not about sad words,
Or eyes filled with tears,
But about empty places
That will never be filled again.

Exactly. Now I feel compelled to share this with you. Just remember, you brought my sharing on yourself. I should warn you that this post has had the tendency to evoke tears, especially in those with young children.


10:02 AM  
Blogger Euphro said...

If I was speaking, my voice would catch with an inarticulable sadness, a desire to comfort, a knowledge that there is no comfort. My heart goes out to you.

All I can say is that you never know what will happen. A similar thing happened to one of my first cousins when she was the same age as you were. Her son, now in his twenties, sought her out and they have since developed a lovely relationship. You cannot mistake love, and I believe that it will always win.

4:54 AM  
Blogger Lyzard said...

I firmly believe that he will seek me out. The people I chose to adopt him are wonderful. They are convinced that he will want to meet me.

We send letters and pictures on his birthday and I learn about how extra smart he is and how much joy he brings into their home.

It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. My son has so much more than I could have given him and has given me more than he could imagine. At the time I was engaged to an abusive boyfriend - realizing that I could not bring a child into that home help me realize that I also deserved better.

I was at the beginning of a long, painful road and I got pregnant early enough to stop and turn my life around. I am very grateful for that. Some of my friends from that time were not so lucky and have ended up in jail and/or addicted to drugs.

There I go rambling again. I suppose I'll shut up now. :)

5:14 AM  

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